
Serena Ward
2 min readMay 20, 2020

I’ve been weeding.

Removing the plants that I don’t want to thrive. Making room for growth and new plants. Sometimes the weeds are pretty and can even seem magical to my kids; making wishes and crowns. Weeds easily take over everything if ignored and can choke out the plants I want to flourish. Weeding is a dirty job and, in my eagerness, I sometimes forget to put on gloves. This tends to result in dirt under my nails and the occasional cut or scrape. I’m amazed by the roots that weeds put down and how challenging they can be to remove. There is a feeling of satisfaction when the earth relents and the weed comes up cleanly, roots and all.

I’ve been weeding.

Life is busy and things have sat on shelves for years. Many people living in a small space creates a lot of clutter quickly. It can be hard to find the energy to sort through it or the strength to let it go. Some things make me shake my head and wonder why I’ve held on to them for so long. Other things make me pause and wonder if it’s something I need to keep. This de-cluttering can get a little dirty as dust bunnies jump about and the deep roots of memories persist. There are treasures to be found too. Baby pictures of my now adult child, homemade cards and books that are meaningful. It feels good to clear space and allow the important items the attention they deserve.

I’ve been weeding.

Like weeds and clutter, there are elements of life that will take over if they are ignored. The roots are deep and they are, by nature, invasive. They can even be pretty and magical at times, however there’s a bigger picture. I’ve come to understand that the weeds in my life are not leaving space for other, better things to grow. Under the surface, I’ve discovered some deep roots of anger and frustration and negativity and fear. I know that going after these roots will require a great deal of energy and strength. The end result will be worth it. I’m looking forward to creating room for the pieces of my life I want to tend to and the new growth that will certainly follow. I’ll likely get dirty in the process, but I’ll try to remember my gloves.



Serena Ward

Mama to three beautiful girls who struggle with their mental health. Believer in the goodness of humanity. Champion of hope. Visit: NoNeedToExplainPodcast.com